Selected references of demolition and dismantling works
1999 – 2008
- - SE EBO Jaslovské Bohunice - dismantling of the heating plant technology
- - SCP Ružomberok - collection of stainless steel waste
- - Ferona Slovakia a.s., Rovinka – demolition of the track siding and bridge cranes
- - Samsung Galanta - demolition of technological equipment
- - Matador Bratislava - demolition of pipeline bridge distributions
- - Tezas s.r.o., Prievidza - dismantling of the technology of the city's central boiler room
- - Konštrukta Industry a.s., Trenčín - demolition of pipeline bridge distributions
- - Poľnonákup Silo Sereď - demolition of the building and silo technology
- - Poľnonákup Silo Galanta - demolition of silo technology
- - MSU Galanta - dismantling of laundry technology, boiler room
- - MSU Nitra, Šaľa – dismantling of boiler room technology
- - Osram Nové Zámky - demolition of the hall and track siding
- - Ceva Stupava - demolition of the building and dismantling of technology
- - P 13 s.r.o. Bratislava - disassembly of filers
- - Belar a.s., Dunajská Streda - demolition of dryer, silo technology, locomotive
- - Holcim a.s., Rohožník – collection and evaluation of railway wagons
- - V lodeniciach Komárno a Bratislava - demolition of ships, river dredger - cutting
- - Messer Tatragas, spol. s r.o., Šaľa – collection of metal waste and dismantling of technologies
- - and other
2010 - Duslo a.s., Šaľa - demolition of the Čpavok ČP2 operation
2012 - Kerkosand s.r.o., Šaľa - demolition of sorting facilities, conveyor bridge equipment
- Duslo a.s., Šaľa - demolition Pressure fission, Nitrogen gas
2013 - Duslo a.s., Šaľa - demolition of the slag pipeline
2013 – 2017 – FORTISCHEM a.s., Nováky – collection of metal waste
2013 - FORTISCHEM a.s. (NCHCZ), Nováky -demolition of lime kilns
2013 - FORTISCHEM a.s., Nováky - dismantling work Plastics plant, Carbide furnaces, Nitrogen plant
2013 - TP2, s.r.o. - (Chemko Strážske) dismantling of power bridge routes
2013 - AGROPODNIK a.s. - Trnava, demolition of the feed compound factory
2014 - BEZ Transformátory a.s., Bratislava - demolition of the CTZ boiler plant, demolition of the galvanizing plant
2015 - Duslo a.s, Šaľa. - demolition of the MČ2 urea production plant, nitric acid production plant-
absorption, Ammonia wastewater treatment plant, Crystallization and drying
MČ2, Cooling towers I and II, Pumping station, Circulating water plant,
Chemical water treatment plant, Granulation tower MČ2, Subsidiary transformer plant
- Duslo a.s. - Istrochem, Cooling towers, RSa engine room building
2015 - Top Toma s.r.o., Dunajská Streda (greencoop družstvo) - demolition of the greenhouse building,
preparation and soil for the construction of hydroponic greenhouses
2016 - Duslo a.s., Šaľa - Natural gas station liquefaction, Methane distillation
and octane regeneration, Novoziru factory, PHL warehouse, Transformer station and substation
2016 – STAVIT –NEUMAN, Žarnovica– demolition of the substation building and economic buildings
2017 - FORTISCHEM a.s., Nováky – dismantling work of the operation of the production of lye, Trichlor,
Propylene oxide, demolition, preparatory and earthworks for the construction of Electrolysis - MEL
2017 – Duslo a.s., Šaľa - Acetic acid production plant, Vulcanization retarder, Salt warehouse, construction workshops, laundries, warehouse of construction materials, cables